What Can Happen If You Don't Get Your Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Posted on: 28 June 2016

Has your dentist informed you that your wisdom teeth are impacted and that you'll need to have them removed? Ignoring this advice may be tempting. After all, it's no secret that oral surgery can be painful and expensive. But when your dentist advises that you have your impacted wisdom teeth removed, he or she is making this recommendation because failing to have these teeth removed can lead to more painful, tough-to-treat consequences down the road. Here's a look at some of the problems you may experience should you choose not to have your impacted wisdom teeth removed.

Jaw Pain

What impaction means is that your wisdom teeth are still stuck up within your jawbone, unable to descend into your mouth and erupt through your gums. Their presence in the jaw bone may place pressure on nerves, leading to jaw pain that may range from dull and throbbing to sharp and stabbing. If you suffer from TMJ pain, the pressure of wisdom teeth that are impacted up in your jaw may make it worse. Measures like taking pain relievers, icing your jaw, and sticking to soft foods may make the pain marginally better, but as long as the teeth are there, you'll be at risk for jaw pain.


As your wisdom teeth place pressure on your jawbone but are unable to break through the gums, they can cause sores and damage to the gum tissue. Bacteria can work their way into this damaged tissue, leading to an infection. The infection will lead to pain, swelling, pus discharge, and perhaps even a fever. It can actually be quite dangerous if the infection spreads through your body. If you do develop an infection related to an impacted wisdom tooth, you may need to have the tooth removed in an emergency procedure, which is certainly more traumatic than having your wisdom teeth removed during a pre-planned appointment when your mouth is still healthy.

Misaligned Teeth

The pressure that your impacted wisdom teeth place on your other teeth can cause those other teeth to shift out of place. Over time, your teeth may become misaligned and crooked, which will not only harm your appearance but will make it harder for you to bite and chew properly. Correcting the misalignments with braces or other orthodontics is not generally an option, either, since as long as the wisdom teeth are impacted, they'll keep pushing your other teeth back out of place.

If your dentist is recommending that you have your impacted wisdom teeth removed, it's best to heed that recommendation. Having oral surgery may not be fun, but it's better than a lifetime of misaligned teeth, jaw pain, and infections. Consult with a professional from a company like DSW Dental for more information.


Stopping Tooth Decay Before It Ruins Lives

After a numerous visits to the dentist to fix my cavities, I am proud to say that I'm officially tooth decay free. I used to be a slacker when it came to brushing and flossing my teeth. But after almost losing my teeth to bad cavities and a major gum disease scare, I changed my oral hygiene habits for good. I now feel better about my appearance because I pay more attention to my dental care. I even make it to my dental appointments without numerous reminders from my dentist. If you have bad cavities and fear losing your teeth, read through my blog. It'll give you valuable tips to help you stay cavity-free.